John Giorno . Anne Waldman
RECORDS BY ARTISTS John Giorno – Anne Waldman. A Kulchur Selection NY, Giorno Poetry Systems Records. Collection The Dial-A-Poem-Poets, 1977
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RECORDS BY ARTISTS John Giorno – Anne Waldman. A Kulchur Selection NY, Giorno Poetry Systems Records. Collection The Dial-A-Poem-Poets, 1977
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Jean Dubuffet. Musical Experiences U.S.A., Finnadar Records, 1973
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Henning Christiansen. Konstruktioner Copenaghen, Paula Records, 1982
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Harry Bertoia. Sonambient. Bellissima Bellissima Bellissima. Nova Pennsylvania, Bertoia, 1979
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Dieter Roth. Die R-adio Sonate Brussels, Hamburg, Edition Lebeer-Hossmann with Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1978
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Dan Graham. Pavilions. Acoustic Phenomena Bern, Kunsthalle, 1983
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Åke Hodell. Mr. Nixon’s Dreams Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1970
RECORDS BY ARTISTS Allan Kaprow. How to Make a Happening Mass Art Inc. Something Else, 1966
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