Searching for the lost book
This is the title of an original project being developed thanks to the Allemandi Group, which is going to directly involve the Artelibro audience
This is the title of an original project being developed thanks to the Allemandi Group, which is going to directly involve the Artelibro audience
Following the amazing success of the first edition of the exhibition “Libri Antichi e di Pregio a Milano” organized by A.L.A.I. in the Salone dei Tessuti of Galtrucco Palace in Milan from 23 to 25 May 2008
News of the 5th editino of the Art Book Festival Artelibro will be showed durino the press conference that will take place in Sala Collina – il Sole 24 ore Milan.
The exhibition “Lettura Fresca” offers uique samples of artists’ books which develop from a preexisting published one.