Category: Press
Redfoxpress presents Hermetically Sealed, new book by David Dellafiora
“Hermetically Sealed” is a new book by David Dellafiora for “C’est mon dada”, the collection of small hand made by Redfoxpress.
Carl Andre. American Drill published by Michèle Didier
Michèle Didier presents Carl Andre’s 1963 poem America Drill, based on three interwoven texts, respectively titled Red Cut, White Cut and Blue Cut. Red Cut consists of excerpts from Ebenezer W. Pierce’s Indian History and Genealogy pertaining to the good sachem Massasoit of the Wampanoag Tribe ( 1878 ). White Cut includes excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Indian History and [...]
Argobooks presents Theater of Peace
Argobooks presents Theater of Peace, published by ngbk, Berlin, edited by Dietrich Heißenbüttel, Anke Hagemann, Karin Kasböck, Christoph Leitner und Gunda Isik
Every day, theaters of war around the world are at the center of media attention. Working for peace on the other hand is unspectacular, slow, and not very appealing. How can a place, an initiative, an [...]
Creamier by Phaidon
Creamier by Phaidon is an up-to-the-minute global survey of recent developments in contemporary art, with an emphasis on emerging artists. Each of the ten selected curators is known for his or her integrity and expertise in staging presentations of new art on an international level.
Each curator selects ten important new artists who have either emerged [...]